Twitch-Commands 09.22.22

Core Commands


#spawn_bearSpawns a bear.
#spawn_bikerSpawns a biker zombie.
#spawn_boarSpawns a boar.
#spawn_copSpawns a cop zombie.
#spawn_coyoteSpawns a coyote.
#spawn_crawlerSpawns a crawler zombie.
#spawn_demoSpawns a demo zombie.
#spawn_direwolfSpawns a direwolf.
#spawn_dogSpawns a dog.
#spawn_feralSpawns a feral zombie.
#spawn_lionSpawns a lion.
#spawn_mamaSpawns a big mama zombie.
#spawn_mutatedSpawns a mutated zombie
#spawn_normalSpawns a normal zombie.
#spawn_radSpawns a radiated zombie.
#spawn_radvultureSpawns a radiated vulture.
#spawn_snakeSpawns a snake.
#spawn_soldierSpawns a soldier zombie.
#spawn_spiderSpawns a spider zombie.
#spawn_touristSpawns a tourist zombie
#spawn_vultureSpawns a vulture.
#spawn_wightSpawns a wight zombie.
#spawn_wolfSpawns a wolf.
#bomb_blitzSmall groups of burnt zombies spawn and chase the target then explode.
#buffed_feralsSpawn a group of empowered feral zombies.
#buffed_radsSpawn a group of empowered radiated zombies.
#buffed_wightsSpawn a group of empowered wights.
#buffed_zombiesSpawn a group of empowered zombies.
#group_bears Spawn a group of bears.
#group_boarsSpawn a group of boars.
#group_chickensSpawn a group of murder chickens.
#group_coyotesSpawn a group coyotes.
#group_dogsSpawn a group of dogs.
#group_graceSpawn Grace with some boars.
#group_vulturesSpawn a group of vultures.
#group_wolvesSpawn a group of wolves.
#horde_bearsSpawn a large group of bears.
#horde_boarsSpawn a large group of boars.
#horde_chickensSpawn a large group of chickens.
#horde_zombiesSpawn a large group of regular zombies.
#horde_feralsSpawn a large group of feral zombies.
#horde_radsSpawn a large group of radiated zombies.


#supply_4x4Supplies a 4×4 parts crate.
#supply_ammoSupplies an ammo crate.
#supply_armorSupplies an armor crate.
#supply_bicycleSupplies a bicycle parts crate.
#supply_booksSupplies a book crate.
#supply_builderSpawns a single builder crate.
#supply_electricalSupplies an electrical crate.
#supply_explosivesSupplies an explosives crate.
#supply_farmingSpawns a single farming crate.
#supply_mealSupplies a meal crate.
#supply_medsSupplies a medical crate.
#supply_minibikeSupplies a minibike parts crate.
#supply_modsSupplies a mods crate.
#supply_motorcycleSupplies a motorcycle parts crate.
#supply_resourceSupplies a resource crate.
#supply_roboSupplies a robotic crate.
#supply_sammoSupplies a special ammo crate.
#supply_toolSupplies a tool crate.
#supply_utilitySupplies an utility crate.
#supply_weaponSupplies a weapon crate.
#supply_candySupplies a single candy crate.
#supply_treasureSupplies a single treasure crate.


#boost_meleeCancels Weaken/No Melee if enabled on Target or increases melee damage for the target and their party for a limited time.
#boost_rangeCancels Weaken/No Range if enabled on Target or increases range damage for the target and their party for a limited time.
#celebrateAny zombies/animals killed by the target and their party will explode into confetti for a limited time.
#energizeIncreases stamina regeneration of the target and their party for a limited time.
#fastCancels Slow if enabled on Target or increases the movement speed of the target and their party for a limited time.
#jumpIncreases jump height of the target and their party for a limited time.
#leechCancels Anti-Leech if enabled on Target or apply all damage given as health to the target and their party for a limited time.
#pack_muleRemoves the encumbrance from the target and their party for a limited time.
#regenCancels Hurt if enabled on Target or increases health regen and removes all criticals for the target and their party for a limited time.
#shieldIncreases the damage resistance of the target and their party for a limited time.
#sillyAll sounds replaced with “Silly” sounds for a limited time.
#stay_stillCancels Keep Moving if enabled on Target or heals the target and their party for a limited time if they stop moving.
#infinite_ammoEnables infinite ammo for the target and their party for a limited time.
#insta_regenInstantly heals the target and their party to full and removes all debuffs.
#nourishInstantly removes hunger and thirst from the target and their party members.
#pp_bonanzaEveryone in your chat receives double the point generation for a limited time.
#xp_gainDoubles all XP gains of the target and their party for a limited time.


#antileechCancels Leech if enabled on Target or apply all damage given as damage to the target and their party for a limited time.
#blurBlurs the vision of the target and their party for a limited time.
#confuseReverses all movement controls.
#deafenAll sounds are reduced to near inaudible levels.
#distortDistorts the vision of the target and their party for a limited time.
#dont_missTarget and their party take damage if they miss their attacks.
#greyscaleChanges the vision of the target and their party to black and white for a limited time.
#headshotTarget and their party can only damage zombies and animals with headshots.
#hurtCancels Regen if enabled on Target or reduces the max health of the target and their party for a limited time.
#keep_movingCancels Stay Still if enabled on Target or damages the target and their party for a limited time if they stop moving.
#no_explosivesNo explosive use.
#no_meleeCancels Boost Melee if enabled on Target or stops any melee attacks for the target and their party for a limited time.
#no_rangeCancels Boost Range if enabled on Target or stops any range attacks for the target and their party for a limited time.
#no_roboNo robotic helpers will function.
#no_stealth“Bombs” go off that give your position away in stealth.
#no_vehicleUsing vehicles hurts you.
#paintingA painting visual filter is applied to the player.
#slowCancels Fast if enabled on Target or reduces the movement speed of the target and their party for 60 seconds.
#trippyCauses the target and their party to hallucinate for 60 seconds.
#blindBlinds the target and their party for 10 seconds.
#clumsy_runnerTarget and their party members have a chance to fall when running.
#double_spawnsDoubles all spawns for the target and their party.
#encumberedTarget and their party lose all bonuses that reduce encumbrance.
#jumbled_backpackShuffles the backpack of the target and their party for a limited time.
#newbieReduces all attributes and perks of the target and their party to that of a new player.
#no_helpDisables all helpful Twitch commands for a limited time.
#no_runningDamages the Target and their party if they run for a limited time.
#no_safeTarget and their party take damage when inside a trader outpost or land claim area.
#no_traderTarget and their party are not allowed to enter trader outposts for a limited time.
#resurrectEnemies killed by the target or their party are resurrected.
#shield_enemiesTarget and their party members do less damage to all enemies and animals.
#silent_actionTarget no longer sees or hears notifications about Twitch Actions for the duration of the buff.
#tougher_enemiesTarget and their party have tougher enemies for a limited time.
#unlock_actionsTarget has progression turned off for a limited time.
#weak_jumpDecreases the jump height of the target and their party for a limited time.
#weak_meleeYou have decreased melee damage. (-75% melee damage).
#weak_rangeYou have decreased ranged damage. (-75% melee damage).


#break_claimTarget’s nearby landclaim is broken and the target and their party cannot place another for a limited time.
#cactiSpawns a group of cacti around the target.
#destroy_baseDestroys the target’s entire land claim area.
#destroy_stationDestroys a random workstation (excluding campfires) near the target in their landclaim.
#doors_offRemoves all the doors in the area around the target.
#ember_pilesSpawns a group of ember piles around the target.
#empty_boxesEmpties all the boxes in the target’s land claim.
#fill_baseFills the target’s entire land claim area with dirt.
#growMakes all nearby farming plants grow to their next stage.
#mine_fieldSpawns a minefield around the target.
#rename_signsRenames all the signs and boxes in a land claim to “Renamed by viewer”.
#shuffle_boxesShuffles the contents of all nearby containers.
#spike_trapsSpawns spike traps around the target.
#spoil_boxesSpoils all food stored in the entire bounds of the land claim.
#weaken_blocksSets all nearby blocks to 1 health around the Target. Does not work in safe zones.


#bloodmoonTriggers a bloodmoon event for the current day.
#daytimeMoves time forward to the next morning. Can only be activated at night.
#fogCommands fog to appear in the world around you.
#nighttimeMoves time forward to the next night.Can only be activated during the day.
#no_timeMoves time forward a small amount then hides the day and time display for the target and their party.
#rainCommands rain to appear in the world around you.
#snowCommands snow to appear in the world around you.
#thunderstormCommands a thunderstorm to appear in the world around you.


#big_headZombies, Animals and NPCs have inflated heads! Easier headshots.
#bucket_headZombies and Animals have buckets on their head for a short amount of time.
#burn_nearAll nearby zombies around the target are burned for a few seconds.
#cripple_emAll nearby zombies around the target are crippled and will crawl from now on.
#dance_offAll zombies and NPCs will dance as music plays.
#degradeSlightly degrades all toolbelt items for target and their party.
#empower_zombiesAll nearby zombies around the target gain empowered hands and attack the target.
#enrageForces all nearby zombies and animals to become enraged and attack the target.
#pullPulls all spawned enemies to the target so they can’t escape.
#ragdollAll nearby zombies around the target fall down for a few seconds.
#repairSlightly repairs all toolbelt items for target and their party.
#reverseForces the target and their party to reverse the direction they are facing.
#scareScares the target with a random enemy sound around the level of the target
#shock_nearAll nearby zombies around the target are shocked for a few seconds.
#add_fuelSets the fuel of the target’s nearest owned vehicle to full.
#auto_pullTarget has all spawned zombies pulled to their position periodically.
#destroy_armorDeletes all armor the target is wearing.
#destroy_backpackDeletes all items in the backpack of the target.
#destroy_toolbeltDeletes all items in the toolbelt of the target.
#dismantle_vehicleDismantles vehicle into parts and places them in a bag with all mods and storage items.
#drop_heldTarget drops their held item.
#drop_toolbeltThe target and their party drop all items in their toolbelt.
#empty_fuelRemoves the fuel of the target’s nearest owned vehicle.
#end_cooldownEnds the current cooldown. Only works for cooldowns triggered by spawning too many zombies.
#jump_scareScares the target with a random jump scare sound.
#kaboomExplodes all zombies around the target without harming the target.
#lostTeleports selected player a short distance away, removes all map data and waypoints for that player.
#mind_wipeTarget and their party have their skill purchases refunded to them.
#mixupMixes contents of target’s backpack and toolbelt.
#pull_playerPulls the target to a random twitch spawned enemy.
#ragdoll_playersTarget and their party fall down for a few seconds.
#repair_allRepairs all items on the target and their party members.
#spoilSpoils all food in the inventory of the target and their party.
#teleport_shortTeleports the target 50-100 meters in a random direction.
#teleport_mediumTeleports the target 500-1000 meters in a random direction.
#teleport_longTeleports the target 1000-2000 meters in a random direction.
#teleport_upTeleports the target high into the sky (no fall damage).
#unload_ammoUnloads all ammunition from all weapons in a target’s backpack/toolbelt.

Viewer Commands

#checkcreditChecks points balance for bit credit.
#checkpoints #cpChecks points balance for Pimp Points and Special Points.
#gamestage #gsChecks gamestage for streamer.

Administrator Commands

#addcredit [target] [value]Adds the number of bit credit to targeted viewer. Does not expire.
#addpp [target|all] [value]Adds the number of PP to targeted viewer.
#addsp [target] [value]Adds the number of SPECIAL points to targeted viewer. Does not expire.
#checkcredit [target]Checks bit credit for a specified viewer.
#commandsLists administration chat commands.
#cp [target]Checks points for a specified viewer.
#debugAdds debug information to the outputlog.txt for submitting bug reports for twitch integration.
#pausePauses the Twitch Integration.
#redeem_giftsub [target] [value]*Test gift sub events.
#redeem_hypetrain [target] [value]*Test hype train events.
#redeem_raid [target] [value]*Test raid events.
#redeem_sub [target] [value]*Test sub events.
#remove_viewer [target]Removes targeted viewer data from streamers database.
#reset_cooldownsClears all the action cooldowns.
#setcooldown [seconds]Sets the global cooldown duration.
#setbitpot [value]Sets the value of the bit pot. The pot will continue to increase with bit interaction.
#setpot [value]Sets the value of the pot. The pot will continue to increase with interaction.
#teleport_backpackTeleports streamer to their backpack.
#tp_backpackTeleports streamer to their backpack.
#unpauseUnpauses the Twitch Integration.
#useprogressionEnables progression
*Redeem commands require custom events to use. Example: If you do not have any gift sub events you cannot #redeem_giftsub.