Author Archives: The Fun Pimps

News on “The Escapist” 06.02.13

Hello again Survivalists!
We just wanted to share with you all that we made it on a News Post over at “The Escapist”

The Escapist Article

On another note our launch trailer on Youtube is over 110,000 views, over 1000 likes and over 600 comments. Thanks folks for all the great questions you got my vote to be “Pimp of the Week!”

There’s no business like ho business!

That’s a wrap!
The Fun Pimps

Pimp of the Week 3! 05.24.13

Ok folks we’re a little late on the 3rd “Pimp of the Week” but we’ve got a really great excuse. My Bitches was acting up and I had to put em in thier place, I mean my wife needed me to pick up some milk at the grocery store. But seriously we we’re busy announcing this game which I’m proud to say has over 12,000 Youtube views and closing in on a thousand Pre-Orders Cuz them cool ass French Folks loves us!

Now on to the Pimp of the Week, no wait I have another announcement first. The Pimps have decided to start a new bi-monthly Video Dev Blog highlighting a couple of the games awesome features on the new Fun Pimps Youtube Channel so don’t forget to check back soon! Why you can even watch it in your underwear same Bat Time same Bat Channel Kappow!

Ok so without further ado or me interrupting myself again this weeks “Pimp of the Week” goes to our very own Rick the elder Pimp for running an awesome first marketing campaign and getting this party started!  Ok folks we want your Pimp of the week submissions for future pimps. So if you not sure how this works head on over to our forums page and have a read.

“If you step-in it high and flashing your grill, your living it large you’re the king of the hill”

The Fun Pimps


New eye candy from the Pimps! 05.08.13

Team 7DTD is working hard and excited to share some of their efforts in the form of six new screenshots! So feast your eyes these tasty morsels Survivalists. Can you say “I can’t believe it’s a voxel-game!”

7DTD_Screenshot_01    7DTD_Screenshot_02

7DTD_Screenshot_03    7DTD_Screenshot_04

7DTD_Screenshot_05    7DTD_Screenshot_06

Pimp of the Week Part Deux 04.27.13

After another really tight race I mean tight as a pimp feather stuck in a leather casting couch we have come up with the second “Pimp of the Week.” But before we announce it I want to give a couple of high fives and some high steppin platform shoe struts to Ryan for making some awesome new craft-able traps in the game and to Alex for making a new kickass combat music track.

So without further ado the winner of the second Pimp of the Week award goes to our very own jack of all trades Joel for doing some stellar work in the areas of crafting design, zombie animation and pushing our normal map technology. Congratulations Joel well played sir well played!

Pimp_of_The Week02