Stretch Goal 3 reached and Zombie Bears!

What’s up Survivalist’
We’re heading into the last 48 hours of our Kickstarter and have couple of announcements for you!”

  • We reached our 3rd stretch goal today on Kickstarter topping 356k! Folks there are just 48 left and we’ve got some fantastic stretch goals coming up! Let’s get some character customization in there!
  • Our good buddies over at Team Epiphany have put together a great coop video and will be doing a series on the game.
  • If you hadn’t heard yet we got Greenlit on Steam!
  • And last of all folks when the Kickstarter is over and you receive a poll please help us out by filing it out promptly and thoroughly  We can’t get you Alpha and up backers the game if we can’t process the information. Also if you’ve messaged us or emailed us with a question or a support issue please be patient and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We’re getting hundreds of emails a day.

You stay cool now!
The Fun Pimps